Welcome visitor you can login or create an account.

My Account

Log in to your account

1. To log in to your account click here, or go to SE.md and click 'Login' in the top.

2. Type in your registered email address and password and click 'Log in':

How can I create an account?

With a customer account, you can view and manage your orders, update your personal information, and track the status of your order.

To create an account:

  1. Click 'Login' at the top corner of this page
  2. Click 'Create an account', just below 'Forgotten password'
  3. Fill out the personal details form and click 'Finish'

Welcome to your new account!

How to use your account?

We've made some upgrades. With your new and improved account you can: 

  • View and manage your orders 
  • Update your personal information 
  • Track and check the status of your order 
What is my Dashboard?

Your dashboard gives you an overview of all your open and previous orders since you created an account (any orders placed before you created an account will not be visible). 

Where can I find my orders?

In the 'Orders' tab, on the right-hand side. Here you'll be able to view the progress of your current orders, as well as your order history. 

Can I use my account to track my order?

Yes. Tracking is dependent on size, weight, and delivery destination (untracked items are subject to standard delivery timeframes). With a customer account, you can track and view the status of your order. 

  • To track your order, click 'Orders' on the right-hand side of the page. This is where you will be able to view all your open and previous orders 
  • Scroll down until you find the order you want to track and click 'View order details'
  • Track your books using the individual tracking links provided (unfortunately, Online Customer Services can't provide an estimated delivery date for untracked items)  
Where is my wishlist?

Your wishlist can be found within your account, on the right-hand side, under the 'Orders' tab.

Can I share my wishlist with friends and family?

Wishlists are for personal use within your account. Because wishlists can be considered 'personal data' (as somebody’s book choices could indirectly indicate their religious or political beliefs, their sexuality, or other sensitive/private information), it is not possible to share your wishlist from within your account. 

What can I add to my wishlist?

Anything you like! From books to gifts, to games to stationery, if it's on se.md, you can add it to your wishlist. 

What does my order status mean?

With a customer account, you can track and check the status of your order.

Order placed

We've received your order. You should see an update soon

Being processed
We've received your order and are in the process of getting it ready to ship


Your order was dispatched
Your order has been shipped and is on its way to the delivery address as stated on your confirmation email


Your order has been cancelled. Any pending payments will be voided or cancelled

How can I change my account password?

If you've forgotten your password, you can use the 'Forgotten password' link here


To update your password within your account, follow the steps below:

  1. Click 'Account'
  2. Click 'Personal Details' 
  3. Scroll down to 'Change password' 
  4. Once updated, click 'Update password'

Your password has been updated.
