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Philosophy and Religion

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One of Britain's most famous comedy actresses creates a personal anthology drawn from her 65 years in show business and from her Christian faith which has sustained her through a number of personal tragedies. A strong thread of humour runs throughou..
Catholic Worker leader Dorothy Day and monk/author Thomas Merton, who gave radical witness to love of God and neighbor in the tumultuous 1960s, together come center stage in this compelling account of the visionary duo spotlighted by Pope Francis in..
Shamanism, religion and magic have long acknowledged the significance of dreams as a bridge to the spirit world, and over time developed practices for dream incubation. Many such practices involved plants, and were operant at the folk level, seeking..
Dream Work, a collection of forty-five poems, follows both chronologically and logically Mary Oliver's American Primitive, which won her the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1983. The depth and diversity of perceptual awareness — so steadfast and radian..
Brand: Wiley
Do demons and devils have free will? Does justice exist in Menzoberranzan? What's the morality involved with player characters casting necromancy and summoning spells? Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy probes the rich terrain of philosophically comp..
For hundreds of years after his death, the Buddha's teachings were transmitted orally, from person to person. In this volume, acclaimed scholar-monk Bhikkhu Analayo examines the impact of such oral transmission on early Buddhist texts, be these mona..
For the past hundred years, much has been written about the early editions of Christian texts discovered in the region that was once Roman Egypt. Scholars have cited these papyrus manuscripts--containing the Bible and other Christian works--as evide..
Written between the mid-fourth and late sixth centuries to commemorate and glorify the achievements of early Christian saints, these six biographies depict men who devoted themselves to solitude, poverty and prayer. Athanasius records Antony's extre..
Rich in drama and humour, they include the controversial Ion, a debate on poetic inspiration; Laches, in which Socrates seeks to define bravery; and Euthydemus, which considers the relationship between philosophy and politics. Together, these dialog..
Christians from a low-church background do not have to be afraid of liturgy and sacraments. On the contrary, these ancient ways of engaging with Scripture and faith, help us see the beauty and taste the grace of heaven through the incarnation of Jes..
When President Donald J. Trump moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem-the only place on earth called the City of God-the world witnessed one more fulfillment of God's Covenant with His chosen people. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israe..
Amid environmental catastrophe, it is vital to recall what unites all forms of life. We share characteristics and genetic material extending back billions of years. More than that, we all-from humans to plants to bacteria-share a planet. We are all ..
Concern for the environment has developed and intensified over the last few decades to the point where it now dominates much of our contemporary political landscape and culture. The rise of religious environmentalism in particular adds its own disti..
Joan Robinson (1903-1983) was one of the greatest economists of the twentieth century and a fearless critic of free-market capitalism. A major figure in the controversial 'Cambridge School' of economics in the post-war period, she made fundamental c..
Few figures are more crucial to understanding the upheavals of our contemporary era than Karl Polanyi. In a world riven by social and economic crises, from rising inequality to the decay of democratic institutions and profound technological disrupti..
Brand: Wiley
EDUCATIONAL EXPLANATIONS Educational Explanations is a comprehensive study of the main philosophical questions that confront empirical educational researchers. The book outlines the sense in which empirical educational research pursues truth and set..
El taoìsmo nos enseña a alcanzar la felicidad y la perfección mediante el conocimiento de nuestra propia persona. De este modo fluimos con el mundo y conseguimos convertir las dificultades en oportunidades. Esta obra de pensamiento y estrategia part..
La enseñanza bíblica acerca de Jesús como el Siervo Sufriente que llevó los pecados de Su pueblo a la cruz se presenta de forma muy clara a chicos y chicas en El burrito que cargó a un Rey, el libro más reciente para niños del respetado teólogo, aut..
A child is precious. A child in spirit returns to us, the love we once gave them. Their love is everlasting and unconditional. They help guide us as we once guided them. They reach out to us in the hope that we understand their message. Message of l..
A sympathetic, compassionate, and inspiring guide for parents--from the founders of one of the first Christian ministries for parents of LGBTQ children.Greg and Lynn McDonald had never interacted with members of the LGBTQ community until they discov..
Let Your Christmas Hope Last All Year Long If there's one name for Jesus that captures the whole heart of God, it is Emmanuel-God with us. No other name similarly expresses the fullness of God's eternal desire for His image-bearers. He's always want..
Brand: OUP Oxford
Was love invented by European poets in the Middle Ages or is it part of human nature? Will winning the lottery really make you happy? Is it possible to build robots that have feelings? In this Very Sort Introduction Dylan Evans explores these and ma..
Life Is Good. . . Praise God! Life Not Going So Well? . . . Praise God! . . . Do you find that it's easy to praise God when life is going well-the bills are paid, family members are healthy and thriving, and every day is smooth sailing-but difficult..
A Distinguished Theologian on the Doctrine of the Holy SpiritDistinguished theologian Matthew Levering offers a historical examination of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, defending an Augustinian model against various contemporary theological views...
Philosophy, and, Religion, SE.md