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Sustainable agriculture

This textbook provides students with a comprehensive introduction to organic food and farming. Janet Chrzan, Jacqueline A. Ricotta and contributors explain organic food and organic farming principles; the history of organics; how organic food is gro..
An exploration of the lived experience of small-scale organic farmers in New England that unpacks how they balance their ideals with economic realities In recent years, the popularity of organically grown produce has exploded. In 2014, organic fruit..
Peasants and the Art of Farming: A Chayanovian Manifesto focuses on the structure and dynamics of peasant farms and the historically highly variable relations that govern the processes of labour and production within peasant farms. Jan Douwe van der..
This volume is based to a significant extent on conversations with farmers and on the achievements and experiences of some farmers who have made good use of agri-environment payments to reinstate lost habitats and manage their remaining wildlife mor..
"I love your ideas, but I only have a few acres. How do I do this at my scale?"   Success with domestic livestock does not require large land bases. Joel Salatin and his family's Polyface Farm in Virginia lead the world in animal-friendly and ecolog..
As the poultry industry moved to high-density confinement, practical, scientifically based books for raising modest numbers of chickens became as rare as hen's teeth. Poultry books began to segment into weighty tomes for PhD's and light, well-meanin..
Do less, produce more, and grow soil that feeds crops using chemical-free, organic no-till methods No-till farming methods are taking small-scale farming by storm, promising less work, higher productivity, improved soil health, carbon sequestration,..
Radionics treatments have been recognised for their ability to rebalance the soil to produce quality crops and to treat pests and disease. Dowsing can enable gardeners to identify the best planting locations by considering the influence of the moon ..
Brand: Primasta
Discover how easy it is to start a goat farm for enjoyment and profit!Goats are wonderful, intelligent, and affectionate animals that enrich our lives. They are raised commercially for their meat, milk, and fiber, and are also kept as pets. If you a..
The book raises critical questions relating to both humanitarian intervention and development agendas in crisis states. It supports a growing literature that interrogates past and present interventions, but does so by putting food security at the he..
Real world stories from the frontlines of climate change, resilience, and the future of food Practical insights and plenty of examples of how we can reshape our food system to one that is resilient and regenerative. — Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., foun..
Including recipes for baking with Einkorn Wheat is the most widely grown crop on our planet, yet industrial breeders have transformed this ancient staff of life into a commodity of yield and profit-witness the increase in gluten intolerance and 'whe..
In a day when beef is assailed by many environmental organizations and lauded by fast-food chains, a new paradigm to bring reason to this confusion is in order. With farmers leaving the land in droves and plows poised to "reclaim" set-aside acres, i..
Sepp Holzer farms steep mountainsides in Austria 1,500 meters above sea level. His farm is an intricate network of terraces, raised beds, ponds, waterways and tracks, well covered with productive fruit trees and other vegetation, with the farmhouse ..
Brand: Primasta
Dos manuscritos en un libro: Homesteading en su patio trasero: La guía definitiva sobre homesteading para cultivar su propia comida, criar pollos y construir una mini granja que le lleve a ser autosuficiente y a generar ingresosGallinas domésticas: ..
Shifting cultivation or rotational bush fallowing is the predominant system of arable farming in the humid and sub-humid tropics where several hundred million people depend on this system of agriculture for their livelihood. Shifting Cultivation and..
A system for regenerating land, storing carbon, and creating climate resilience The concept of silvopasture challenges our notions of both modern agriculture and land use. For centuries, European settlers of North America have engaged in practices t..
Colin Tudge coined the expression "Enlightened Agriculture" to describe agriculture that is "expressly designed to provide everyone, everywhere, with food of the highest standard, nutritionally and gastronomically, without wrecking the rest of the w..
Support for smallholder agriculture is seen as increasingly important, both to boost the food security and incomes of the rural poor and to provide food for urban populations. But to achieve scale in agricultural interventions, NGOs must move beyond..
First published in 1977, this book-from one of America's most famous and prolific agricultural writers-became an almost instant classic among homestead gardeners and small farmers. Now fully updated and available once more, Small-Scale Grain Raising..
Small-scale agriculture is the main livelihood of the majority of the world's rural poor. Smallholder farmers in the global South play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, as well as contributing to food security in their countries. However, ..
The earth is in great peril, due to the corporatization of agriculture, the rising climate crisis, and the ever-increasing levels of global poverty, starvation, and desertification on a massive scale. This present condition of global trauma is not "..
A totally modern, all-purpose handbook for today's agricultural dreamers-covering the challenges and triumphs of launching any successful farm-from two leading lights in sustainable farming Do you dream of starting your own farm but wonder where to ..
In large parts of the world, the reduction in the viability of agriculture and rural areas is an escalating problem. Sustainable Land Management offers a contemporary overview of the strategies employed to cope with the marginalisation of agricultur..
Sustainable, agriculture, Agriculture, farming, SE.md