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Complementary medicine

ISBN: 9781922357434Publisher: LIGHTNING SOURCE INCImprint: Hambone PublishingPublished date: 25 Oct 2022Language: EnglishWeight: 431gHeight: 234mmWidth: 156mmSpine width: 16mm..
A comprehensive guide empowering TMJ sufferers to uncover and treat this prevalent, often misdiagnosed ailment that plagues an estimated fifty million Americans. Many of us have TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorders without knowing it. Several see..
Voices and stories from people whose lives have been touched by plant spirit medicine, including many herbalists whose work goes beyond biochemical doctoring. ISBN: 9781911597636Publisher: Aeon BooksImprint: Aeon BooksPublished date: 09 Apr 2019DEWE..
A leading authority explains the ideas and practice of Chinese medicine from its beginnings in antiquity to today. Paul U. Unschuld describes medicine's close connection with culture and politics throughout Chinese history. He brings together texts,..
Brand: Wiley
Wenn die Schulmedizin an ihre Grenzen stößt, kommen alternative Heilverfahren ins Spiel. Hier nimmt die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin eine besondere Rolle ein. Jean Pélissier stellt die wichtigsten Aspekte der TCM fachlich fundiert und leicht..
Combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine can offer in the understanding, treatment, and prevention of digestive conditions, diabetes, and obesity. All the while, boosting your immune system! True Wellness for Your Gut combines the best th..
Brand: Wiley
Now in its fourth edition 'Tyldesley and Grieve's Muscles, Nerves and Movement' has established itself as the leading textbook for the study of movement by occupational therapists. The book provides students with a sound understanding of the way in ..
UNDERSTANDING AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE ISBN: 9781904439622Publisher: FIRST STONEImprint: FIRST STONEPublished date: 01 Nov 2007Number of pages: 64Weight: 60gHeight: 105mmWidth: 141mmSpine width: 4mm..
"The most mind-blowing information on heart disease. . . . I consider this to be one of the best books I've ever read on cardiovascular health."-Ben Greenfield, New York Times bestselling author Heart disease is the number-one killer in the world. D..
The "bible" of medical herbalism--now back in its classic edition! The classic edition is back! First published in 1988, Weiss's Herbal Medicine is revered by herbalists and medical professionals alike as the seminal work in the field of phytotherap..
In WELL, physician Sandro Galea examines what Americans miss when they fixate on healthcare: health. Americans spend more money on health than people anywhere else in the world. And what do they get for it? Statistically, not much. Americans today l..
The ever-growing number of Chinese medicine practitioners in the West has brought about an amalgamation of many styles of Chinese medicine and various other forms of medicine from around the world. This book addresses the increasing demand for knowl..
"Beautifully written… a riveting account of how melodies and rhythms connect us, and help us deal with alienation and anxiety."-Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the ScoreIn this captivating blend of science and memoir, a health jour..
Die Alternativmedizin boomt. Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland suchen Rat und Hilfe für ihre vielfältigen Leiden in der sanften Medizin. Angesichts dieser Beliebtheit stellen sich aber auch wissenschaftstheoretische, medizinische als auch ethische ..
Practical exercises help you prepare for success in exams and in massage therapy practice! Corresponding to the chapters in Muscolino's Know the Body: Muscle, Bone, and Palpation Essentials, this workbook includes review activities to help you learn..
Yoga to go ist eine therapeutisch ausgerichtete Form von Yoga, die eine schnelle und zugleich wirkungsvolle Hilfe bei Stress, chronischer Erschöpfung, Arthrose, Rückenschmerzen und Muskelverspannungen bietet. Das Konzept ist ein moderner Mix aus aus..
"From Anatomy to Architecture, from Biomechanical to Biomotional and from Classical to Connected "- speaks to all bodies, in all modalities; in a world seeking unity and connection more than ever. Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement was written partl..
Can you overcome lung cancer without harsh chemicals, surgery and debilitation? Are alternative interventions effective? Why do conventional physicians not use them? Can you prevent cancer recurrences and live into old age without chronic diseases a..
ISBN: 9780915811373Publisher: HJ KramerImprint: H.J. KramerPublished date: 28 Dec 1992Language: EnglishNumber of pages: 276Weight: 316gHeight: 215mmWidth: 140mmSpine width: 22mm..
In this book, close to one hundred men and women from all over southwest Alaska share knowledge of their homeland and the plants that grow there. They speak eloquently about time spent gathering and storing plants and plant material during snow-free..
Complementary, medicine, Medical, and, Nursing, SE.md