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México Roto / Broken Mexico


Publisher: PRH Grupo Editorial

Author: Francisco Martin Moreno

En esta segunda entrega de esta gran saga de ficción polìtica, Antonio M. Lugo Olea prometió que, si en este mes de junio de 2021 no obtiene la mayorìa de votos, dejará la presidencia.   La pandemia aún no ha acabado y los miles de muertos siguen pagando la obcecación del presidente; las promesas rotas han calado hondo entre la sociedad mexicana. La pregunta es: ¿esa sociedad será capaz de tirar del poder al dictador, o, por el contrario, este "mesìas" seguirá comprando, mintiendo, ocultando sus gazapos, traicionando al pueblo con el mismo cinismo de siempre? Y Martinillo, ¿cómo logrará salvarse de las aguas podridas que ha intentado purificar o al menos dar a conocer gracias a su columna, para no verse arrastrado en la desazón y en los silencios que comienzan a surgir alrededor de su relación de pareja y de su amante? ¿Qué salida encontrará para revertir ataques, cuidarse de amenazas y salir indemne para poder seguir alzando la voz?ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONIn the second installment of this great political fiction saga, Antonio M. Lugo Olea promises that, if in June 2021 he does not receive the majority of votes, he will leave the presidency.   The pandemic is not over yet and the president's stubbornness continues to cause thousands of deaths; broken promises have deeply permeated Mexican society. The question is: will that society be able to pull a dictator from power, or, on the contrary, will this "messiah" continue to buy his way, lie, hide his shady dealings, and betray the population with the same cynicism as always? And Martinillo, how will he manage to save himself from the same murky waters that he has tried to cleanse, or at least has tried to shed a light on with his column, so as to not be dragged into the chatter that started to emerge around his relationship with his partner and his lover? What way out will he find in order to counterattack, guard against various threats, and emerge unscathed so that he can continue to raise his voice and the alarms?
ISBN: 9786073802857
Publisher: PRH Grupo Editorial
Imprint: Alfaguara
Published date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 408
Weight: 437g
Height: 241mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 23mm

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